La Contemporaine | University of Nanterre | 6–8.12.2022
Memories of Colonial Pasts:
Perspectives on a Global Phenomenon of the Present Time
06 déc., 09:00 UTC+1 – 08 déc., 17:00 UTC+1
La contemporaine, 200 Av. de la République, 92000 Nanterre, France
Organisation : Andrea Brazzoduro, Miriam Hernández Reyna,
Sébastien Ledoux, Thaís Tanure, Sylvie Thénault
Jessica Balguy,
PhD student at EHESS and at the International Center for Research on Slavery and Post-Slavery (CIRESC) under the supervision of Myriam Cottias, Jessica is currently completing a thesis on compensation for owners of black and brown slaves in Martinique. Member of the ANR REPAIRS project, she participated in the creation of the compensation database [https://esclavage-indemnites.fr/public/]. In 2020 she published a book on compensation debates (Indemniser l’esclavage en 1848, Karthala) and she wrote a chapter for the book Le lexique des reparations edited by Magali Bessone and Myriam Cottias (Karthala, 2021).
Françoise Blum,
Françoise Blum is a research engineer at the Centre d'histoire sociale des mondes contemporains. She has worked and is working on social movements in sub-Saharan Africa, on African students and on socialisms in Africa. She has recently co-edited several books including: Socialismes en Afrique/Socialisms in Africa (Ed. de la MSH, 2021) and Les partis communistes occidentaux et l’Afrique (Hémisphères, 2022).
Audrey Célestine,
Université de Lille/CERAPS
Audrey Célestine holds a doctorate in political science from the IEP in Paris and is a senior lecturer at the University of Lille. Her work focused first on the links between mobilization processes and identity constructions among French Caribbeans in France and Puerto Ricans in the United States and has been published under the title La fabrique des identités. L'encadrement politiques des minorités caribéennes en France et aux Etats-Unis (Karthala, 2018). Hercurrent research has two main focuses. On the one hand, it is a historical sociology of the state and the relationship to the state in France and the United States from their Caribbean territories (Martinique, Guadeloupe and Puerto Rico) and on the other hand, an analysis of the various issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States (with my colleague Nicolas Martin-Breteau). She is the main investigator of the ANR MIGRINDOM (on circulations between the French overseas territories and mainland France).
Yves Denéchère,
Université d’Angers/TEMOS
Yves Denéchère is professor of Late Modern History at the University of Angers and director of the UMR TEMOS. His research focuses on the history of international adoption and transnational migration of children, particularly during the period of decolonization. He coordinates the ANR EN-MIG program “Children in decolonization: forced migration and individual constructions (France 1945–1980)” and the Pôle universitaire ligérien d’études sur l’enfance/jeunesse EnJeu[x]. In this context, he holds the EnJeu[x] chair “Speech and power to act of children and young people”.
Beatrice Falcucci,
Università dell’Aquila
Beatrice Falcucci has earned a PhD at the University of Florence, undertaking research about the colonial collections in Italian museums. After a fellowship at the American Academy in Rome she is now post-doc researcher at the University of Aquila. She has published Il Museo Coloniale di Roma tra propaganda imperiale, oblio e riallestimento, in “Passato e Presente”, 2021, Bringing the Empire to the provinces: colonial museums and colonial knowledge in Fascist Italy in “Cahiers François Viète”, 2021, and has co-edited “Affrica all’acqua di rose. I diari delle missioni in cirenaica del 1928-1929” of Nello Puccioni (Polistampa, 2019).
Sandra Guinand,
Université Paris 1
Sandra Guinard, urban planner and specialist in urban studies, is an associate researcher at EIREST Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and a researcher at the Institute of Geography and Regional Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). She teaches at the Department of Geography and Area Studies at the University of Vienna. Her research focuses on the socio-economic transformation of urban landscapes with a particular interest in regeneration projects, public-private partnership, urban quality, heritage processes and tourist mobility. Among her publications: Post-régénération urbaine. Postérités et discontinuités des festivals market places (Infolio, 2022); Tourism Dynamics in Everyday Places: Before and After Tourism (Routledge, 2021); Lieux ordinaires, avant et après le tourisme (PUCA, 2018); Tourism and Gentrification in Contemporary Metropolises. International Perspectives (Routledge, 2017); Régénérer la ville. Patrimoine et politiques d’image à Porto et Marseille (PUR, 2015); Qualité urbaine, justice spatiale et projet (PPUR, 2014).
Bhawna Khattar is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in History at Ambedkar University, New Delhi. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies from Symbiosis University, Pune. She has worked in the social development sector for over six years on issues related to human rights. With her on-ground practical experience and academic bent of mind, she aims to contribute toward bringing forth complex realities and identities through her writing. Her research interests are at the intersection of history and psychology and deal with issues of Nationalism, Migration, Identity, and so on. Her research interests and work developed as a result of her curiosity about her own family history and identity. Both her paternal and maternal families crossed the border in 1947. She grew up in a time when the communal narrative in the country was at its peak (as it is today) even dividing languages on the grounds of religion. Her grandfather, who was a ‘Hindu’ born in Pakistan, wrote in the Perso-Arabic script. Though not unusual, the dominant popular narrative at the time did not support this. Such questions, one after the other, about an individual’s identity and its relation to the socio-political conditions at a given point in history have intrigued her interest in such issues.
Sébastien Ledoux, Université de
Paris 1/CHS
A researcher in contemporary history affiliated with the CHS, Sébastien Ledoux has been teaching since 2019 as lecturer at Paris 1 in L1 (Contemporary History) and L2 (Historiography). In 2017 he convened a workshop at the CHS on the “récit national” and participated in the documentary on the national narrative directed by Jeanne Menjoulet and produced by the CHS in 2022. His work focuses on contemporary memory issues at the national and international level, in particular on memory policies, memory mobilizations (actors) and cultural vectors (digital media, audio-visual, press, language). In this perspective, he has devoted his research to the memories of colonial pasts (Algerian war, Atlantic slave trade, colonial slavery, and abolitions). Among his publications: “Quelle(s) mémoire(s) pour la guerre d’indépendance algérienne soixante ans après?” (special issue ed. with Catherine Brun and Philippe Mesnard), Mémoires en jeu, n°15-16, hiver-printemps 2022; “Mémoires et histoire de la Guerre d’Algérie” and “Acteurs et mémoires de la Guerre d’Algérie”, Encyclopédie d’histoire numérique de l’Europe, February 2022; “Entre choix du passé et poids du présent: les acteurs invisibles dans l’enseignement de l’esclavage en France” in Enseigner, les traites, les esclavages, les abolitions et leurs héritages, ed. by Marie-Albane de Suremain and Éric Mesnard (Karthala, 2021, p. 275–88); “‘Devoir de mémoire’: The Post-colonial Path of a Post-national Memory in France”, National Identities, vol. 15, n°3, September 2013, p. 239–56.
Yue Lu,
Université Paris 1
Yue Lu, architect and urban planner, is assistant researcher at the International Research Center for Architectural Heritage Conservation, Shangai Jiao Tong University, and associate researcher at EIREST, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. Her research focuses on the heritagization, touristification and physical-social transformation of historic districts, with a particular interest in historic towns and western-themed space in former concessions in China.
Sarah Moretti, École normale supérieure Lyon/Triangle
Sarah Moretti, graduated from IEP Lyon in Public Affairs and from ENS Lyon in History of political thought. After having worked for several months as a research assistant at the Overseas Chair of Sciences Po, she wrotes a PhD project on the implementation of educational policies in French Guyana and Martinique. Sarah carried out this work under the supervision of Hélène Buisson-Fenet of the Triangle laboratory at the ENS in Lyon. Her paper discusses one aspect of this preliminary research, focusing on the adaptation of history programmes in the high schools of French Guyana and Martinique.
Sahra Rausch, Justus Liebig Universität Gießen
In June 2022, Sahra Rausch successfully defended her thesis “Entangled Emotions: Transnational Perspectives on Postcolonial Memory Politics in Germany and France since the 1990s” at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen and at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (supervised by Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl and Prof. Dr. Corine Defrance). Sahra graduated in Political Science at the Otto-Suhr-Institute at Freie Universität Berlin. Before that, she studied Social Sciences and History in Erfurt, Berlin, Lyon, and Ankara. Her main academic interests are the fields of postcolonial theory, emotional research, gender studies and discourse analysis.
Sylvie Thénault, CNRS/CHS
Sylvie Thénault, a historian, director of research at the CNRS, is a member of the Center for Social History of Contemporary Worlds (Paris 1). Law, justice, and violence are at the heart of her work on colonization and the Algerian war of independence. Her latest book is Les ratonnades d’Alger, 1956. Une histoire de racisme colonial (Seuil, 2022). Actively involved in the dissemination of research, she ha notably published: Histoire de la guerre d'indépendance algérienne (Flammarion 2005; paperback 2012; Algerian ed. by Maarifa in 2010; Arabic translation Dhalab). She has also co-edited with Abderrahmane Bouchene, Jean-Pierre Peyroulou and Ouanassa Siari-Tengour: Histoire de l'Algérie à la période coloniale (1830-1962), published simultaneously in Paris and Alger (La Découverte and Barzakh, 2012). Her interest in memory issues stems from the various requests she receives as an expert: cultural productions (literature, cinema, theatre, documentaries, exhibitions), media, teaching. Her first article on the topic, published by the journal of the APHG (association of history and geography teachers), was the result of her interventions in teacher trainings: “La guerre d'indépendance algérienne. Mémoires françaises”, Historiens et Géographes, n° 425, February 2014, p. 75-90. Her publications on the Audin affair have led her to get involved in the process of political recognition and access to archives. This is well demonstrated by three of her recent articles (2017–2021): “La disparition de Maurice Audin. Les historiens à l’épreuve d’une enquête impossible (1957– 2014)”, Histoire@Politique, n° 31, Jan-Apr 2017; “Dérogation générale et déclassification des archives contemporaines. Le cas d’Audin et des disparus de la Guerre d’indépendance algérienne”, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 74-3/4, 2019, p. 687-709; “Politiques publiques de la mémoire et Guerre d’indépendance algérienne: un combat pour l’histoire?”, Revue d’histoire culturelle [on line], 2021. She drew from this experience a book co-edited with a specialist in transitional justice, Magalie Besse: Réparer l’injustice: l’affaire Maurice Audin (IFJD, 2019). Her involvement in the organization of this conference accompanies a reorientation of her research on memories, in a collective and international perspective.
Sarah J. Zimmerman, Western Washington University
Dr. Sarah J. Zimmerman is an Associate Professor of history at Western Washington University and the President of the French Colonial Historical Society. Her research focuses on women and gender in West Africa, French Empire, and the Atlantic World. Her first monograph, Militarizing Marriage: West African Soldiers' Conjugal Traditions in Modern French Empire (Ohio UP, 2020), historicizes militarization, marriage, and colonialism by focusing on tirailleurs sénégalais households in West Africa and across French Empire. Her current research attends to the gendered production of history and memory on Gorée Island--a UNESCO World Heritage site in Senegal. She has published articles in theInternational Journal of African Historical Studies and Les Temps Modernes.
Berklee Baum,
University of Oxford
Berklee Baum is a historian of memory, currently in her third year of doctoral study at the University of Oxford. Having received her master’s degree in Modern European History also at Oxford, in which she focused on the effect of Cold War politics on Holocaust memorialization, she is now writing on international patterns of colonial genocide memorialization. Outside of her own work, Berklee has volunteered and worked for multiple organizations committed to examining the memory of contested physical spaces, both in the UK and internationally. These include Contested Histories, Uncomfortable Oxford, and the Bergen-Belsen Memorial. Parts of her work on Namibian Genocide memory have recently been peer-reviewed and published by Contested Histories, and she has presented papers at several international conferences. Most recently, she gave a virtual presentation of her work on the memorialization of genocide against indigenous nations in the United States at the 2021 Ask Historians Digital Conference, which has received 1.5 thousand views.
Historian and professor of Contemporary History, Raphaëlle Branche is a specialist in war violence and colonial violence, in particular between France and Algeria. On these topics she has authored several documentaries. Raphaëlle has also written on memory issues between France and Algeria and conducted a vast survey on the place of the Algerian war in the constitution of French families since 1954. She is also involved in issues of access to public archives in France. Among her many publications: La torture et l’armée pendant la guerre d’Algérie (Gallimard, n.e. 2016), Prisonniers du FLN (Payot, 2014), and “Papa, qu’as-tu fait en Algérie?” Enquete sur un silence familial (La Découverte, 2020).
Myriam Cottias,
Myriam Cottias, colonial historian, specialist in slavery in the Caribbean area, is research director at the CNRS (LC2S, University of the Antilles). She heads the International Center for Research on Slavery (CIRESC, USR, CNRS, www.esclavages-cnrs.fr). She is president of the International Scientific Committee of the UNESCO project“. She is the editor of the series “Esclavage” published by Karthala and she is also editor of the online journal Esclavages & post~esclavages – Slaveries & Post~slaveries. Among her publications: La question noire. Histoire d’une construction coloniale, Paris, Bayard, 2007; Relire Mayotte Capécia : une femme des Antilles dans l’espace colonial Français, Paris, Armand Colin, 2012; Esclavage et subjectivités (Open Edition, 2016); Lexique sur les réparations de l’esclavage with Magali Bessone (Karthala/CIRESC, 2021).
Marie-Albane de Suremain, Université Paris Est Créteil/CESSMA
Marie-Albane de Suremain is a lecturer in History at the University of Paris Est Créteil. After a doctoral thesis in history from the University of Paris 7, “’Afrique en revues’. From the ‘colonial sciences’ to the social sciences (anthropology, ethnology, human geography, sociology, 1919-1964)”, defended in 2001, she has published historiographical articles and deepened the question of the construction of territories in West Africa in a colonial situation, within the framework of Geo&Co (ANR young researchers). Within the European programs Eurescl (7th PCRD) and Afrodesc (ANR Suds), with an international perspective, she has developed research on the teaching of the slave trade and slavery as a sensitive issue. Marie-Albane is currently working, within the framework of the “Construction and uses of knowledge” axis of the Center for Social Science Studies on the African, American and Asian Worlds (CESSMA), on the processes of appropriation-reappropriation, production of knowledge at the University of Abidjan (1960s-1980s). Among her latest publications: (Ré)appropriations de savoirs. Acteurs, territoires, enjeux, processus, ed. with Marie Chosson and Anne Viguier (Inalco, 2021); Enseigner les traites, les esclavages, leurs abolitions et leurs héritages. Afrique, Amériques, Europe, perspectives globales, ed with Eric Mesnard (L’Harmattan, 2021); Enseigner les colonisations et les décolonisations, ed with Sophie Dulucq and David Lambert (Canopé, 2016).
Pascale Goetschel, Université Paris 1/CHS
Pascale Goetschel is a Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, member of the Center for Social History of Contemporary Worlds (CHS). Her research focuses on culture, society and politics in France and in French-speaking countries (19th to 20th centuries). She is the author of several books and articles, including the latest book Une autre histoire du théâtre. Discours de crise et pratiques spectaculaires. France, xviiie–xxie siècle (CNRS Éditions, 2020).
Louise Guttin-Vindot,
Sciences Po Paris
Luise Guttin-Vindot is a PhD candidate at the Institut d’études politiques, within the école doctorale de Sciences Po (Paris). Her thesis, “Réparer la guerre d’Algérie: indémnisation et statu de victime (France, de 1954 à nos jours) is jointly supervised by Guillaume Piketty and Sylvie Thénault.
Yukiko Koga,
Yale University
I am Associate Professor of Anthropology at Yale University, specializing in the areas of political economy, legal anthropology, history and memory, post-colonial and post-imperial relations in East Asia, with field research experiences in China and Japan over a quarter century. My research explores emerging moral landscapes for belated imperial reckoning in East Asia as contemporary generations wrestle with the history of settler colonialism, forced migration, and slavery, decades after the formal end of Japanese imperial violence. I received my Ph.D. in Anthropology from Columbia University, M.A. in Political Science from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, and Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Keio University in Tokyo. I am the author of Inheritance of Loss: China, Japan, and the Political Economy of Redemption after Empire, which won two book awards from the American Anthropological Association. The book ethnographically explores how the introduction of the market-oriented economy in China created new dynamics concerning the contested yet under-explored past for both Chinese and Japanese. I am currently working on a book entitled Post-imperial Reckoning: Law, Redress, Reconciliation in the Unmaking of Empire, which charts a significant sea change being carried out over the past quarter century by ordinary citizens seeking legal redress for Japanese imperial violence through unexpected collaborations: Chinese survivors and bereaved families, over 300 Japanese lawyers representing them pro bono as a way to repay moral debt inherited from the war generation, and hundreds of mostly Japanese citizen activists.
Christine Lévy, Université Bordeaux Montaigne/CRCAO
Christine Lévy is a lecturer at Bordeaux-Montaigne University. She works on globalization and the challenges of transnational feminism in Japan. Among her publications: Gender and Modernity in Japan: The Literary Review Seitô (1911-1916) and the New Woman (PUR, 2014); “Comfort Women” of the Imperial Japanese Army: Political Issue and Gender Memory.
Clémence Maillochon, Université de Haute-Alsace/EASTCO
Clémence Maillochon is a PhD student in contemporary history at the University of Haute-Alsace, based at the University of French Polynesia as part of the research program “Ecrire l’histoire du Centre d’Expérimentation du Pacifique” of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme du Pacifique. After training as a journalist and photo-reporter, she went to Algeria for the first time in 2017. There she began to investigate nuclear tests, before switching to research with a master’s degree in geopolitics and specializing in defence matters. Her first research, carried out in the Algerian Sahara in 2019, led her to question the notion of environmental injustice, nuclear colonialism, as well as the function of anti-nuclear networks in the political and identity affirmation of indigenous populations living near the experimental sites. She collects activist and state archives in order to document the links between Polynesian, Algerian, and metropolitan activists in order to identify the smugglers who help to create bridges between communities. Her current research focuses on transnational networks against French essays, the circulation of ideas and militant practices and colonial nuclearity in Africa and Oceania within the framework of exceptional regimes.
Martino Oppizzi,
École française de Rome
A Fellow at the French School of Rome since 2022, Martino Oppizzi defended his PhD thesis “The Italian Jews of Tunisia during fascism (1921–43) at the University of Paris 8 (2017). His dissertation was jointly supervised by Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci (Paris 8) and Nicola Labanca (University of Florence). His post-doc project, “After the storm. The dispersion of Italian Jews from Tunisia after the Second World War (1943–67)”, currently in the drafting phase, was funded by the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah (2018–20). Martino’s research focuses on the political and social history of Fascist Italy, emigration communities in North Africa, the Mediterranean circuits of Sephardic Jews, and national and religious identities in colonial Tunisia.
Tièmeni Sigankwé, Centre national d’éducation (Yaoundé-Cameroun)
Tièmeni Sigankwé is a researcher at the CNE and a PhD candidate in history at the University of Yaoundé I. He is completing a thesis on “The anticolonial memory in Cameroon (1960–2020)”. Tièmeni iscurrently conducting research for the publication of a book on “The issue of the uses of the past in Cameroon”. Among his publications on these topics: “Mémoire nationaliste versus mémoire colonialiste. Réflexion sur un paradoxe camerounais”, Socio-anthropologie, n° 37, 2018, p. 123-135; “Quand le musée théâtralise la vérité d’État: la mémoire nationaliste à l’épreuve du Musée National de Yaoundé”, in Des lieux pour penser. Musées, théâtres, bibliothèques, ed. by Flore Garcin-Marrou, François Mairesse and Aurélie Mouton-Rezzouk, (ICOM-ICOFOM), p. 275–80; “Les chutes de la Métché au Cameroun: site de massacres coloniaux et non-lieu de mémoire”, Communication au Colloque international "Mémoires des massacres au XXè siècle", Mémorial de Caen, 22-24 novembre 2017; “Boko Haram, nouvelle version maquis du maquis upéciste?”, in Regards croisés sur Boko Haram au Cameroun. Yaoundé, ed. by François Wassouni and Abel Gwoda (Les éditions du Schabel, 2017, p. 269-288).
Mélanie Toulhoat, IHC-NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST
Mélanie Toulhoat is a historian, post-doctoral researcher in contemporary history of Brazil, Portugal and Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP). She holds a doctorate in history from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University and the University of São Paulo (2019). She was awarded the 2020 thesis prize from the Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle. Her doctoral dissertation focuses on the analysis of various forms of graphic humour published in the independent press, under the Brazilian military regime (1964–85). Affiliated to the Institut des Mondes Africains (IMAF) in 2020–21 as part of a first post-doctoral fellowship within the LabEx HASTEC of the école Pratique des Hautes études (EPHE Paris), she is a Fellow at the Casa de Velázquez – école des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (EHEHI) in 2021–22. She will join the Institute of contemporary history of the Nova University of Lisbon in September 2022 as “Investigadora Júnior” (Competition to support scientific employment of the Science and Techonology Foundation of Portugal - CEEC-FCT). Her current research focuses on popular education and adult literacy projects developed in Guinea-Bissau after independence by a group of national and international activists. She is also president of the Association for Research on Brazil in Europe (ARBRE) and member of the coordination of the international public and digital history project “História da Ditadura”.
Marion Bertin, Université d’Avignon/Centre Norbert Elias
Marion Bertin is teaching and research assistant (ATER) in museology at the University of Avignon and a researcher at the Norbert Elias Center (UMR 8562). She has a doctorate in anthropology from La Rochelle University and a postgraduate degree in art history and museology from the École du Louvre. Her research focuses on the circulation and values of Oceanic objects in private and public collections since the 1980s. She is also an elected member of the board of directors of the International Committee for Museology (ICOFOM) and a member of the CASOAR association, recipient of the INHALab residency at the National Institute of Art History (INHA) in 2022.
Andrea Brazzoduro, Università di Napoli L’Orientale/Maison française d’Oxford
Andrea Brazzoduro is assistant professor at the University of Naples L’Orientale, where he teaches Social History. Andrea’s research interests include: decolonization (especially focusing on Twentieth-century France, Algeria, and the Global 1960s), history of representations and social uses of the past (memory studies, oral history, and epistemology), critical theory and postcolonial studies (with a particular focus on the Mediterranean, and the relationships between France, Algeria, and Italy, past and present). He has published widely on these topics (in English, French, and Italian). Among his recent publications: “’Bandung capitale del mondo’. Il 1960, l’Algeria e il tempo dell’Africa, Annale AAMOD, n° 22, 2022; “La Francia e la guerra d’Algeria. Il ‘Rapporto Stora’ tra uso politico del passato e conflitti del presente”, Storica, n° 78, 2021; “‘Se un giorno tornasse quell’ora’. La nuova sinistra tra eredità antifascista e terzomondismo”, Italia contemporanea, n° 296, 2021; “Algeria, Antifascism, and Third Worldism : An Anticolonial Genealogy of the Western European New Left (Algeria, France, Italy, 1957-1975)”, The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, n° 5/48, 2020; “La France en guerre dans le second XXe siècle: Représentations et mémoires contemporaines (2000-2017)”, ed. with F. Théofilakis and A. Bernou, Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, n° 276, 2019. Before joining L’Orientale, Andrea has held funded research and teaching positions at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris), the Maison méditerranéenne de sciences de l’homme (Aix-en-Provence), the Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle (Sorbonne), the University of Oxford, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the University of Turin. The quality of his work has been acknowledged by international fellowships, including a Max Weber fellowship at the EUI, a Fernand Braudel fellowship (MCA-FP7), and two Horizon2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships. His current new research project focuses on the impact of anti-colonial struggles in the genealogy of the global 1960s. The project addresses the ‘cultural history of politics’ in a global perspective, encompassing local, national and transnational events, actors and networks.
Maud Delevaux,
Université Paris Nanterre/IFEA
Maud Delevaux, PhD in ethnology from the University of Paris Nanterre, is a researcher affiliated with the IFEA (UMIFRE 17 CNRS/MAEDI-USR 3337 América latina). She is the author of research on the processes of constructions of representations and identity narratives of the Afro-descendant population of Peru. Currently, she is studying the circulation and reappropriation of practices, discourses, ideologies, and symbols of Afro-feminist militancy between Latin America and Spain.
Giulia Fabbiano,
Aix-Marseille Université
Giulia Fabbiano is assistant professor in anthropology at Aix-Marseille University. She is member of the Institute of Mediterranean, European and Comparative Ethnology (Idemec, UMR 7307) and of the core-team of the ERC-CoG “Drafting and Enacting the Revolutions in the Arab Mediterranean. In Search for Dignity - from the 1950's until today” (DREAM) led by Leyla Dakhli. In her PhD, published under the title Hériter 1962. Harkis et immigrés à l’épreuve des appartenances nationales (Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2016), she focused on postcolonial identity and memory narratives of Algerian descendants in France. Since then, her research questions the uses of the past in mobility practices in the Mediterranean contexte as well as in the experiences of ordinary life in contemporary Algeria. She participated in the collective writing of L'Esprit de la révolte. Archives et actualité des révolutions arabes (Éditions du Seuil, 2020) and recently co-edited Cheminements révolutionnaires. Un an de mobilisations en Algérie 2019-2020 (Éditions du CNRS, 2021) and Algérie coloniale. Traces, mémoires and transmissions (Cavalier Bleu, 2022).
Maria Gravari-Barbas,
Université Paris 1
Maria Gravari-Barbas is professor of Cultural and Social Geography at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Since 2008 she has directed EIREST (Interdisciplinary Research Team on Tourism), a research laboratory dedicated to tourism studies bringing together researchers in geography, anthropology, economics, management sciences, history, art history. She coordinates the UNESCO Chair and the UNITWIN-UNESCO “Culture, Tourism, Development” network which brings together 30 universities around the world. She leads the Committee on Cultural Heritage of The European Alliance UNA Europa bringing together 11 European universities. She collaborates with the UNESCO World Heritage Center and the Institute of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. She is the author of several books and articles related to tourism, culture, and heritage, with a particular focus on gentrification, tourism, and the heritage of urban spaces. Among her publications: Tourism and architectural simulacra (Routledge, 2021); Tourism Dynamics in Everyday Places: Before and After Tourism (Routledge, 2021); A research Agenda for Heritage Tourism (Elgar, 2020); Le patrimoine mondial, Mise en tourisme, mise en images, (L’Harmattan, 2020); Lieux ordinaires, avant et après le tourisme (PUCA, 2018); Tourism and Gentrification in Contemporary Metropolises. International Perspectives (Routledge, 2017); World Heritage Sites and Tourism. Global and Local Relations (Routledge, 2017).
Miriam Hernández Reyna, UNAM-Mexique et Université Paris 1/CHS
An expert on postcolonial memories and memory policies, Miriam Hernandez Reyna defended in 2020 a doctorate in contemporary history at Paris 1: “From ancestors of the nation to ancestral victims: the natives of Mexico and the construction of a historical memory for the recognition of cultural plurality (1968-2001)”. Her research addresses the rewritings of the colonial past in Latin America, in connection with the establishment of political models of multicultural nation and intercultural state. Currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Miriam works on the emergence and development of anticolonial memories of the present time in a global context characterised by debates on historical responsibilities vis-à-vis colonial pasts. Her research deals in particular with the cases of controversies between Spain and Mexico over the conquest of 1521 and the Viceroyalty of New Spain, maintained for three centuries. Her work is also carried out in several intarnational projects: IRN HISTEMAL: History of the present time, memory and emotions in Latin America and Spain (IHTP/CNRS, University Paris 8), IBERCONCEPTOS: Proyecto iberoamericano de Historia Conceptual (several Latin American countries and Spain), and “Rethinking the Conquest of the Americas, 16th-21st Century” Research Network (National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico). Among her publications: Repenser la Conquête de l’Amérique, Réflexions sur un évènement fondateur (L’Harmattan, Université de Guadalajara, 2022); “La commémoration du Ve centenaire de la conquête du Mexique : premières approches sur la mémoire contemporaine d’un évènement lointain”, Caravelle, n° 118, 2022; “Ser o no ser indígena: oscilaciones identitarias en la interculturalidad de Estado en México”, The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 26, 2021; “Memoria histórica y diversidad cultural: un nuevo imaginario sobre el pasado indígena para un futuro possible”, Cambios y permanencias, 2017; “Les politiques interculturelles au Mexique : du révisionnisme historique à une nouvelle histoire officielle ?”, Conserveries mémorielles, n°20, 2017 [on line].
Anne Joly,
La Contemporaine
Research officer at La contemporaine
Xinyu Li,
Université Paris 1
Xinyu Li, HMONP architect and urban planner, is a PhD student in planning at EIREST, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and in geography at the Complutense University of Madrid. His research focuses on dissonant heritage, the heritagization and touristification of historic districts, with a particular interest in former concession spaces in China.
Gianmarco Mancosu,
University of London
Gianmarco Mancosu is research fellow in Contemporary History at the University of Cagliari, teaching fellow in Contemporary History at the University of Sassari. Starting from October 2022, he will be British Academy postdoctoral fellow at the School of Advanced Study of the University of London. He received his first doctorate in Italian Colonial History at the University of Cagliari (2015) and has successfully defended his second doctoral thesis at the University of Warwick (2020). He was Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory (School of Advanced Studies – University of London, 2018), and Research Assistant on the project ‘The Dialectics of Modernity. Modernism, Modernization, and the Arts Under European Dictatorships’ (University of Manchester, 2017). He has published extensively on Italian colonial history and culture, film production about the Fascist empire and decolonisation, the post-colonial presence of Italian communities in Africa, and the memories and legacies of colonialism in modern and contemporary Italy. He is the author of the monograph Vedere l’impero. L’Istituto Luce e il colonialismo fascista (Mimesis, 2022).
Christelle Rabier,
Christelle Rabier is associate professor at EHESS (Marseille). A specialist in the economic and comparative history of medicine in modern times, she has developed a reflection on the comparative and material history of the social sciences and on the colonial history of “information savante”, both in her teaching and in her publications, which she presented in “Pour une approche féministe et décoloniale des sciences sociales”, her HDR defended in April 2021. She has edited several journal special issues dealing with a personal practice of comparative history, such as: “Traduire et introduire les sciences sociales d’Asie orientale”, hors série 2017; Tracés. Revue de sciences humaines, 2017; Typographies! La forme solide du savoir, ed. with Marie-Luce Rauzy (ENS Éditions, forthcoming 2023).
Thaís Tanure, Université Paris 1/CHS/Labex Dynamite
Thaís Tanure is a historian, member of the Center for Social History at Contemporary Worlds and of the Labex Dynamite (Center of Excellence for Territorial and Spatial Dynamics). A PhD candidate (funded) and a lecturer at Paris 1, Thaís Tanure is preparing a thesis on the heritage of slavery in Nantes and Rio de Janeiro (1983–2019) under the supervision of Pascale Goetschel. Her research focuses on the processes of heritagization and memorialization of the Atlantic slave trade and colonial slavery from a transatlantic and international perspective, as well as on the history of Afro-Atlantic cultures. She has obtained several international scholarships, notably from Labex Dynamite, the Institut Camões (Portugal), the Cátedra Jaime Cortesão (São Paulo - Brésil), the Brazilian Commission for the Development of Scientific Research (CAPES). Thaís Tanure was the winner of the “New Researchers” competition awarded by the Memorial Museum Minas Gerais (Brazil) for which she designed and organized the Atlantic Voices exhibition (2019–2020) on the trajectory of two enslaved people persecuted by the Portuguese Inquisition. On this occasion, she organized several seminars dedicated to the history and memory of slavery, including Atlantic Dialogues (2020). Among her publications: “Entre mers et altérités: un mourisco caché dans les galères portugaises du XVIIe siècle”, Faces de Clio, vol. 6, nº 11, June 2020 [on line]; “L’Inquisition ou la captivité? La trajectoire de deux esclaves bannis par le Saint Office portugais”, Temporalidades, vol. 9, 2017.
Olga Vanegas-Toro,
La contemporaine
Librarian at La contemporaine